Online Traffic School Florida

Determining your Florida traffic school eligibility can be a confusing process. With all the different Florida traffic laws, it can be hard to tell which ticket you can dismiss by taking a four (4) hour online traffic school Florida.

If you have received a moving traffic violation in Florida, you may be eligible to participate in a Florida traffic school course or online traffic school Florida program. When you receive a traffic violation, you will first have to confirm with the clerk of the court in the county in which you received your citation. Your clerk of court information should be listed on the citation the police officer issued.

In order to take online traffic school, Florida requires that you elect to take traffic school through the clerk of courts. This will also be the same if you want to take traffic school in a classroom setting. You can do so once your Florida traffic school eligibility has been confirmed. At this time, you will also be required to make payment. You can pay your traffic citation and for traffic school in person by visiting the clerk or the court in the county you received your citation, or you can send in your payment by mail along with your ticket and traffic school election form, or affidavit. You can request this Florida traffic school eligibility election form, or affidavit, by contacting the clerk's office.

Taking Traffic School in Florida

You will only be able to attend a Florida Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) course if your citation was for a non-criminal moving violation. This, however, does not apply to commercial, or CDL, driver's license holders. If you would like to keep your driving privileges, you will be required to take a Florida traffic school course if:

  • You were the driver, involved in a crash and at fault.
  • You were the driver and you have two (2) crashes within a two (2) year period, which resulted in property damage exceeding over $50.
  • You were the driver and someone was taken to the hospital.
  • You were the driver and were convicted of running a red light or stop sign, reckless driving, failing to stop for a school bus, and/or racing.

If you have a suspended or revoked driver's license, but were issued permission to participate in traffic school to get a hardship license, you must take an Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) program. This course is twelve (12) hours in length.

Additional Information Regarding Florida Traffic Laws and Online Traffic School

  • You are only eligible to attend traffic school in Florida once every 12 months. The only exception to this law is if taking the Florida traffic school course is ordered by a judge.
  • You may only attend online traffic school Florida a total of ten (10) times in your lifetime.
  • For the BDI program, you are able to take the course with our company. This will count the same as attending a classroom course, minus the extra hassles.
  • You may be able to attend the eight (8) hour IDI program if you have previously completed the four (4) BDI course within the past 12 months. The eight (8) hour course does not have statewide approval like the four (4) hour course does. Eligibility for this program will determine on the county where your citation was issued. Please contact the clerk of court for more information regarding taking the IDI program.
  • If you have already completed a Florida traffic school program, you can click here to ensure that your citation has been cleared.