Florida Traffic School Eligibility

Person checking their eligibility

Not knowing if you are eligible for a Florida driver improvement course is common. If you are unsure of your Florida traffic school eligibility, here is the information you will need to know in order to get started:

  • Your citation must be a moving violation. Driver safety courses are only available if your citation is a speeding ticket, failure to stop at a stop sign, running a red light, turning violation, etc. If you received a ticket for window tint or something similar, you will not be able to participate in Florida online traffic school or another form of Florida driver improvement.
  • If you have participated in a Florida Online Traffic School or a Florida driver improvement course within the past 12 months, your Florida traffic school eligibility will not be valid. The 12 months is determined from citation date to citation date. For example, if you took a driver safety course to dismiss a ticket issued on April 9, , and you acquire another citation on April 2, , you will not be able to take Florida traffic school.
  • You must make arrangements with the court you are dealing with before you can take a Florida online traffic school program. In order to have your Florida traffic school eligibility confirmed, you must do so through the court. No course, whether a home study program or a classroom program, will be able to determine your eligibility for you.
  • If you are wishing to take traffic school to learn about being a defensive driver and not to dismiss a moving violation, you can do so at any time!

What are you waiting for? Get started now!